Thursday, October 31, 2019

Healthcare Law & Ethics - Advanced Directives Essay

Healthcare Law & Ethics - Advanced Directives - Essay Example Firstly, the will should be made by someone in his sound state of mind. Secondly, a living will should be specific about the duties or decisions to be made. Thirdly, a living will should be voluntary. This means that the maker of a living will should not be under duress to do so. 2. A health care proxy is a written document that permits a patient to appoint someone called an agent to make specific decisions affecting the health of such patient in the event the patient is incapable of making decisions. However, so long as the patient is in position to make decisions himself, the health care proxy will not be effective. Health care proxy should meet certain conditions. In most cases, people appointed as health care proxies are people who are closely related to the patient such as next of kin. Another condition of a health care proxy is that it can not be signed by the physician attending to the patient. In addition, the patient can issue other instructions to nullify the preexisting conditions. The common health care proxies are issued when someone is about to undergo a major medical operation. 3. Durable power of Attorney refers to general, specific as well as health care instructions or powers given to someone that will be exercised when the issuer becomes mentally incompetent. Someone can also sign a durable power of attorney form. Fundamentally, they are not different from other powers of the attorney. However, a few texts or words are added to make them durable. However, just like other powers of the attorney, they only become effective only when the issuer becomes mentally incompetent or incapacitated. Such powers may require the appointed agent to make decisions concerning matters such as how to handle bank transactions, purchasing life insurance, settling claims, buying and selling of property, management of real estates, among others. Such instruction should be make by someone in his

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Environmental impact & modern methods of construction Essay

Environmental impact & modern methods of construction - Essay Example Project Overview The project is focused on erecting a GBP 12.5 million school building. The building will constructed by demolishing the old structures. The new infrastructure is located in a residential area which is the main concern of the project proponent. Aside from successfully raising the building, the Project Manager needs to devise strategies that will eliminate environmental hazards and other related problems. Project Participants The main proponent of the project is the government which serves as the main source of funds. The private contract shall be determined through public biddings. The private contractor is responsible for ensuring that necessary permits are obtained as well as systematic planning and execution are undertaken. The other players are the residents living adjacent to the proposed location which will likely be affected by the construction. Contractor Determination The Authority requires all interested parties to submit their initial bids which have to include contract terms, tender and construction programmes, general work details and proposed design. The Authority will establish a committee that will decide which of the bidders will move to the next phase. The second part of the process involves actual costing, detailed work scope and the comprehensive construction plan. The winning bidder will be decided based on a majority vote and is required to provide a final tender for approval. The committee established by the Authority also serves as the oversight team which will ensure that the Contractor provides high quality and sustainable work. 1.4. Pre-acquisition and Post-acquisition Survey The Contractor will be provided with the information on the site upon acquisition by the Authority. The Authority stipulates no warranties regarding the information on the property. Other surveys that need to be implemented include for asbestos, trees, arch aeological desktop assessment and geotechnical and environmental desktop assessment. The results from these surveys are not part of the contractual documentation. 1.5. Work Scope The scope involves the following aspects that needs to be considered to promote sustainable construction 1.5.1. Accessibility and Disability Discrimination The Department of Education has listed thirty eight statutory requirements for building schools in the UK. The Contractor has to include an Accessibility Plan which is an important necessity. The schools have to be designed to promote learning and facilitate the manner in which the students reach their classrooms. Another important statutory requirement is the disability equality policy. The Contractor must take into account the Disability Discrimination Act of 1995 as basis for designing the building. Classrooms and other amenities have to account for students that have physical impairments. 1.5.2. Workings Hours The hours involved in constructing the b uilding have to be in accordance with governing rules and regulations. The Project Manager stipulates the allowable time for work from Monday to Friday which is 8:00 AM to 17:00 PM and on Saturdays which is from 8:00 AM to 13:00 PM. The Project Mana

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Building The Skill To Administer Intramuscular Injections

Building The Skill To Administer Intramuscular Injections The aim of this essay is to reflect on how I have become competent in a particular clinical skill. The clinical skill I have selected is administering intramuscular (IM) injections. I will provide a rationale for choosing this skill and use appropriate literature to demonstrate my knowledge underpinning this skill. Although there are five sites for administration of IM injections, for the purpose of this essay I will discuss only two of the sites. Firstly, the dorsogluteal (DG) site as this is the site I used when giving IM injections in line with the local trust policies and procedures. Secondly I will discuss the ventrogluteal (VG) site, as recent literature has shown this site to be the safest to use when administering IM injections. I will then reflect on my learning and how I have become competent in this area. There is a need for nurses to be skilled in the administration of intramuscular injections in the learning disability field. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2006) suggests that when de-escalation and intensive nursing techniques have failed to calm the patient and they are at risk of harming themselves or others, then rapid tranquillisation should be used as a last resort. Although oral tranquilisation will be offered first, due to the high state of aggression, agitation or excitement the patient may be unable to give their consent. Therefore the 1983 Mental Health Act and the guidance on Consent to Treatment (DH 2002) must be followed. Consequently, rapid tranquilisation will be achieved by the administration of medication through IM injection to control severe mental and behavioural episodes and to calm the patient quickly. Greenway (2006) suggests that IM injections are generally likely to happen in association with the administering of antipsychotic medication in the form of depot injections and/or rapid tranquilisation, for managing mental illness and/or challenging behaviour for people with a learning disability. Greenway also implies that there will only be a small number of learning disability nurses that will actually use the skill of administering IM injections after they have qualified, due to a decline in depot administration. However, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2004) identifies that the role of the learning disability nurse is forever changing and the administration of injections will depend on the client group and the practice areas in which they work. They recognise that it is a key challenge for learning disability nurses to update their knowledge and maintain competence in a skill that they may use infrequently. Irrespective of this, the clinical procedure should be develope d and maintained in line with evidence based practice, regardless of how often it is used. The administration of IM injections is a vital component of medication management and is a common nursing intervention in clinical areas. Less pain to the patient and unnecessary complications can be avoided by the nurse being skilled in the injection technique used (Hunter 2008). The National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) (2007) notes that the injecting of medication is complicated and patients can be put at risk. Incompetency, lack of training and varying knowledge levels of nurses were factors highlighted in errors made around injecting medicines. Adhering to the aseptic technique during preparation and administration of the injection, and inspecting the injection site for any signs of skin deterioration are vitally important to prevent infection and complications (Dougherty 2008). Alexander et al (2009) describe the correct way to give an intramuscular injection in the DG site using the Z tracking technique. Using the thumb or the side of the non-dominant hand stretch the skin taught over the site of injection maintaining the tautness during the procedure. With a darting motion, insert the needle at 90 degrees to the skin, 2-3mm of the needle should be exposed at the surface and the graduation marks on the syringe barrel must be visible throughout. Use the remaining fingers of the non-dominant hand to steady the syringe barrel, whilst using the dominant hand to pull back on the plunger to aspirate. If blood appears all equipment should be discarded and the procedure should be started again. It is safe to carry on if no blood appears. The plunger should be depressed at a rate of 1ml per 10 seconds to give the muscle fibres time to expand and accommodate the drug. After a further 10 seconds remove the needle and then release the traction on the skin. The injection site may be wiped with dry gauze if need be. A plaster can be applied if the patient requires and if they have no known allergy to latex, iodine or elastoplasts. Controversy lies around the site area chosen for administering the IM injection. Although the DG site is the traditional choice by nurses for the administration of IM injection there are risks associated with this site of injection. The DG site is situated in the upper outer quadrant of the buttock and is often landmarked by visually quartering the buttock horizontally and vertically, then repeating this action in the top right hand square. Evidence shows that the use of this site for IM injection can run the risk of injury to the sciatic nerve and the superior gluteal artery (Small 2004). Additionally it can cause skin and tissue trauma, muscle fibrosis and contracture, nerve palsy and paralysis as well as infection (Zimmerman 2010). The belief by nurses that the VG site is hard to landmark suggests reluctance on their part to change a practice they are competent in. Although once nurses have become familiar with location of the VG site and the surrounding anatomy, they will become confident in using this site (Greenway 2006). Hunter (2008) suggests to locate the VG site the nurse should place the palm of her right hand on the patients left hip (the greater trochanter), then make a v by extending the index finger to the anterior iliac spine. The injection is given in the middle of the v in the gluteus medius muscle. Administering IM injections using anatomical features leads to a more specific and correct way of carrying out the procedure. In contrast to the DG site, the VG site has no major complications associated with the administration of IM injections. Zimmerman (2010) also strongly advocates the use of the VG site. Although there appears to be a lack of current evidence for choosing the VG site rather than the DG site for rapid tranquilisation during restraint of a patient. Because of the nature of the situation during this procedure, safety for all involved has to be considered. Local policies should be utilised for specific guidance on positioning the patient safely and for use of specific holds needed to allow the VG site to be landmarked and the injection administered. The VG site can be used if the patient is prone, semi-prone or supine (Greenway 2006).However, following a literature review of damage to the sciatic nerve from IM injections, Small (2004) recommends that the VG site should be chosen over the DG site for IM injection. Zimmerman (2010) concurs with this, strongly advocating the use of the VG sit e for IM injections of more than 1ml in patients over the age of seven months. More evidence for choosing the VG site is a study carried out by Nisbet (2006) showing that the subcutaneous fat level of the DG site is significantly higher than that of the VG site. It also showed that penetration of the target muscle at the DG site was only 57 percent meaning the remainder of the injection would deposit into the subcutaneous fat leading to a deficit in the uptake of the drug. Emerson (2005) reports an increased risk of obesity in people with a learning disability. In one study 90 percent of adult females and 44 percent of adult males had fat deposits in the DG site area that were one inch deeper than the shorter IM needles would reach (Zaybak et al, 2007). The VG site has a shorter distance to the targeted muscle and is a safe alternative choice for the administration of an IM injection, Greenway (2006), Small (2004) and Zimmerman (2010) suggest it is time for professionals to rethink the site of IM injections in people with a learning disability. I will now discuss how I have become competent in carrying out this clinical skill and to do this I will use a reflective model. Reflection is a way in which nurses can bridge the theory-practice gap. The process of reflective practice allows the nurse to explore, through experience, reflection and action, areas for developing their practice and skills. It is an important part of gaining knowledge and understanding. The use of a recognised framework allows for a more structured approach when reflecting upon practice (Johns, 1995). I have decided to use Gibbs (1998) Reflective Cycle, as it provides a straight forward and structural framework and encourages a clear description of the situation, analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, analysis to make sense of the experience, conclusion where other options are considered and reflection upon experience to examine what the nurse would do should the situation arise again. In describing what happened in learning this skill the theory of experiential learning can also be used as a framework. The theory of experiential learning was developed by Steinaker and Bell (1979). The Experiential Taxonomy highlights 4 levels of learning that the nurse will go through in learning a new skill i.e. exposure and participation, identification, internalisation and dissemination. During exposure there is a consciousness of the event and the nurse will have observed a competent practitioner carry out the task. In this case I had an awareness of needing to be able to administer IM injections competently due to the client group involved. In my first week of placement I observed a qualified nurse administering PRN and depot IM injections several times while the nurse talked me through the procedure step by step. As she was demonstrating the procedure and talking me through it my thoughts and feeling at the time were that I would not be able to remember all the steps needed to administer the IM injection safely and I was also feeling anxious about potentially causing pain and/or injury to the patient. Participation involves the nurse becoming part of the experience. After observing the practice I participated in the drawing up of the injection and then administering it. Identification involves the nurse becoming competent in the skill. On reflection as soon as I started on placement I realised that I would have to gain as much experience as I could administering IM injections, not just the actual procedure of giving the injection but also the knowledge to underpin this skill. Internalisation occurs when the new skill becomes part of everyday routine. Several weeks into my placement I felt that I had eventually become competent in administering IM injections, my anxieties began to lessen and I started to feel more confident that I was becoming proficient in carrying out the procedure. I found that the more times I carried out the procedure the better I felt about it. Dissemination involves the nurse being able to influence others and showing others how to carry out the skill. Although this was only my second placement I feel totally competent in carrying out the task. I also feel that I have a good understanding of the underpinning knowledge involved. Therefore I feel I would be able to teach others how to do this. On reflection I do not think I would have learned this skill any other way, I have realised that initial anxieties about carrying out a new task are usual. But I will have to remember this will pass as I practice more and become more experienced. I have also realised through reflection the importance of having underpinning knowledge in relation to clinical skills and understanding why we do things rather than just simply learning how to do them. In conclusion, this assignment has explored one clinical skill in which I have gained competence. A rationale was provided in that IM injections are an important part of everyday life for the client group involved. IM injections are considered to be a routine procedure, it is a valuable and necessary skill for nurses. To provide safe practice and ensure accurate and therapeutic drug administration, the nurse should use clinical judgement when choosing the injection site, understand the relevant anatomy and physiology, as well as the principles for administering an IM injection. By using a reflective model and theory in relation to experiential learning I have discussed my own personal and professional development in terms of my knowledge and skill acquisition in this area of clinical practice.

Friday, October 25, 2019

History of Brown vs. Board Through Art :: Race Racial Segregation American History

History Through Art Brown vs. Board was a landmark case that changed America’s education forever. Some of these changes produced many opinions among the different states. One county even shut their public schools down for five years and posted signs blaming it on the Government. I am shocked that picture wasn’t in the exhibition at the Krannert Art Museum. Many of the featured artists have found their calling in capturing some aspects of the racial issue especially the equal education facet. The forms of painting and photography will remain in our world for many years and will help educate future generations on how those in our time coped with the feelings that racism brought to many of us. The exhibit in the museum stimulated my curiosity in the social realm of the decision in that courtroom. People began to see their futures differently. One painting that struck me as inspirational was Brett Cook-Dizney’s self-portrait. The colors he used were mainly bright. This usage of bright tones forced me to think about the reason he used them. Brett Cook-Dizney arranged the colors around his figure in such a way that the tones seemed to give the portrait a glow. He had many achievements that surrounded his painting that caused me to figure out why he used those bright colors; he was a bright young man. The painting had taken him three years to portray his feelings through his artistic approach. He had graduated high school in 1986, thirty years after Brown vs. Board. His work showed that there were still issues in racial equality in the school. Cook- Dizney’s self-portrait seemed to be a way to show the world how he wanted to be seen as opposed to how his teachers and peers saw him. In art he could paint himself in his true light. Cook-Dizney noticed that he had a shot at a bright future and owed much of it to the decision of Brown vs. Board. This court result offered him a chance to pursue a better education. You can see this in his work. He took his own critical approach to his self-image and made the viewer see him his way. This is an effective action for even the amateur art appreciator. After looking at this painting for a few minutes, you can feel the way he feels about the person he is and hopes to be. Brett Cook-Dizney had a couple more note-worthy paintings on display.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How to Score A1 Grade in English Subject of Ssc

English – Study Plan Planning your study helps in making it extensive and thorough. Given below are some guidelines that may help you to score high in each section of SSC English papers. Answering questions based on the lessons in the main reader: Start by studying the questions for comprehension asked after each lesson at least a few times, which helps in grasping the important topics that can be asked in each lesson. Then take up a more detailed approach for a deeper understanding of each lesson-to understand questions better and know the necessary points to be written for each question.Make a note of the important topics-whichever can be asked as questions. Don’t depend entirely on the questions given after each lesson. Meanings: Keep a dictionary beside you while reading lessons to look up the meanings of words you are not so sure of the meaning. Also a dictionary/thesaurus gives a list of similar meaning words. Meaning of the underlined word: Knowing the different ways a word can be used and the meaning it conveys in each context helps you score marks in the ‘meaning of the underlined word’ section.Ask the teacher for the subtle differences in meanings and usages of those words. Pronunciation: Listen carefully when the teacher pronounces unfamiliar words. Listening is the way to recognize sounds in a language. This will help in recognizing similarly pronounced words and rhyming words. Spellings: While reading a lesson, observe the spellings and make note of words which may be mis-spelt. E. g. : enmity, pilgrimage, austere etc. This helps in recognizing the wrongly spelt words and correcting them. Read the exercises after each lesson also with a critical eye.Practice solving old question papers, bit banks etc and keep evaluating yourself-your strengths and areas that need more work. Rewriting sentences as directed: Practice the different sentence structures (Direct- Indirect speech, Active-passive voice, conditional clauses, parti cipial clauses, relative clauses etc). Structures taught in 8th and 9th classes also need to be revised. Passages for comprehension: Practice the passages for comprehension-the unseen passages of Paper I and the passages from the supplementary readers in Paper-II. The questions following these passages are for one mark each.So they have to be answered briefly, in a sentence or two. After reading the passage, read all the questions, before attempting to answer them. Two or more questions might seem similar. You need to understand how each question is different from another, to answer them well. Read the relevant part of the passage repeatedly to arrive at a concise, precise answer. Answering questions based on the lessons in the supplementary readers: This is the only section in English question paper that allows the students to choose the questions which they can answer the best.The questions may not be the ones that are given after each lesson in the supplementary readers. So a tho rough reading of the lessons is absolutely necessary. Scrambled sentences: The sentences in a passage are jumbled up. The order of the sentences doesn’t convey the meaning correctly. It is necessary to re-arrange the sentences logically, so that they become coherent and connect to each other. Only the letters corresponding to the sentences are to be written in the right order.Writing an argumentative passage based on the given dialogue: Understand the topic being discussed and express your views on the topic. Depending on the topic under discussion, you may argue on one or both sides. It is advisable to divide the argument into a few paragraphs-at least three. State briefly your opinion in the first paragraph. Then go on to express your views, and finally give your conclusion in another paragraph. Letter-writing: Go through the letters given in the previous SSC exams. Practice writing different letters.Understand the difference in style of writing different kinds of formal le tters. Business letters: A business letter-answering an advertisement, is different from a letter written to the Editor of a newspaper to be read by the general public. In a business letter we focus on the purpose of writing the letter-applying for a job or educational course. When you are applying for some educational course you need to tell them what attracted you to the course and why you think that course would be helpful to you.When you are applying for a job, you have to mention that your qualifications suit those required for the job. Lay emphasis on the qualities in you that you think would make you a suitable candidate for the job. Express your eagerness to impress the employer with your sincerity. Â ¤ Understand each new word introduced-the subtle differences in similar meaning words-and how they are used. Â ¤ Pay attention to the textual exercises given after each lesson. They are valuable guidelines to develop a good understanding of the language. Link every new word, to words of similar meaning you learnt earlier. Â ¤ The SSC exam tests the knowledge of the student-it includes words and usages introduced in the earlier classes as well. Â ¤ Listen and read extensively-to develop a better vocabulary. Â ¤ Use the words you have newly learnt at every opportunity-in writing letters and in writing your argument based on a dialogue. Â ¤ Understand the difference between formal and informal expressions. Know the vocabulary to be used in each context. Â ¤ Last but not the least-WRITE IN A NEAT, LEGIBLE HANDWRITING. Avoid striking off or overwriting.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Brand Equity Essay

Introduction In 2010, Coca-Cola has appeared at the top of the global brands with an estimate value of &78 billion. IBM has closely behind with 71$ billion. Despite those two businesses have totally different of business nature, these two firms have a significant common characteristic which is the value of their brand is extremely high. However, the value of branding isn’t only reveal in those two firms but the entire market has the common factors which are the most successful firm always has a high value of their brand. Branding is one of the critical enduring assets to a company which can be the name, term, design, symbol or any unique feature can be used to identify business. Kapferer (2008) suggest that branding is the most important factor to service industry as its instinctive uniqueness like inseparability, heterogeneity, perishability and tangibility. Furthermore, CEO of McDonald’s claimed that the value of brand is worth than any of their facility and equipment. It indicate that importance of branding is powerful assets which every of marketing manager would have carefully develop and manage. In this paper, we explore the importance of Brand Equity and any of the associated metrics. Brand Equity is the differential effect that knowing the brand name has on customer response to the product or its marketing. America Marketing Association has given a definition of brand equity, it suggests that â€Å"The value of a brand. From a consumer perspective, brand equity is based on consumer attitudes about positive brand attributes and favorable consequences of brand use.† Brand equity is a critical marketing component for building a successful business which gives advantages to increase the profit of the product or services depends on the various value of the brand. Ad agency Young and Rubicm’s Brand Assest Valuator measures brand strength along four consumer perceptions which are the differentiation, knowledge, relevance and esteem. 4 strategy in brand equity Differentiation refers to the process to distinguish a product or services to your rivals. The purpose of approaching differentiation is to position your product to your potential customer which makes the product or services more attractive to a particular market, also, it can increase the competitive  advantage of the products. Successful differentiation can possibly leads the firms to the monopolistic competition which means business has occupy a specify market area. In 2007, Apple introduced the first IPhone in the market; the success differentiation of the IPhone push Apple to become a one of the most successful company in the world. Though, multiple brands has starting introduced new smart phone gradually, Apple has still occupy a mount 25-35% of the market as their successful differentiate their product against their rivals. Moreover, in order to identify the nature of the product differentiation, firms can use some of the metrics to measure. Moreover, brand knowledge, also known as Brand awareness refers to the brands popularity toward firm’s potential consumers. Kevin (1993) declared Brand awareness is related to the functions of brand identities in consumers’ memory and can be reflected by how well the consumers can identify the brand under various conditions. Brand awareness is always the primary goal of advertising which include the brand recognition and recall performance. Larry and John (1992) claimed that Brand recognition refers to the capability for consumers to identify between new brand and consumer previous used brand. The primary objective isn’t to force consumer to recognise the brand names, it often means that consumers can response to a certain brand after viewing its visual packaging images. On the other hands, brand recall refers the consumer’s ability to generate and retrieve the brand in their memory. Furthermore, brand relevance refers to how consumers feel its meets their needs. Aaker (2012) suggest that the brand relevance is to differentiate or innovate new product or services that route to consumer to have a ‘must have’ feeling. Finally, brand esteem refer as how highly consumers regard and respect the brand. consumer’s response to a marketer’s brand-building activity is driven by his perception of two factors: quality and popularity, both of which vary by country and culture. Brands such as Kodak, Maruti, Pepsi, Amul and Raymonds are esteemed in the consumer’s mind, based on popularity more than quality. Therefore, those 4 factors are the most crucial element of brand equity approach, it aims to develop a valuable customer equity which means the value of the customer relationships that the bread create. 3 Level of brand Equity In order to evaluate a brand, there are three level that we can approach to  measure the states of brand. The first level refers as the firm level which measure a brand as a financial asset. It means that firm treat a brand’s value as an intangible asset. Neumeier (2006) provides an example to describe the situation. He claimed that if manager were to take the value of the firm, as derived by its market capitalization—and then subtract tangible assets and â€Å"measurable† intangible assets—the residual would be the brand equity. On the other hand, the term ‘Brand valuation modelling’ is also highly relevant to the brand equity in this level. Brand valuation models typically combine a brand equity measure with commercial metrics such as margin or economic profit. It can determine the actual value and the potential value of the brand in the future. The second level is product level refer as compare the price of the product with infamous brand. We assume that the different in price, consumers would be favourite in our brand. Firms always determine their sales price by the result of this level. The third level is the consumer level which defines as seeks to measure the awareness and brand image. Free association tests and projective techniques are commonly used to uncover the tangible and intangible attributes, attitudes, and intentions about a brand Brands with high levels of awareness and strong, favourable and unique associations are high equity brands. (Keller 1993) The 3 Brand Equity Metrics In order to identify the level of success for the brand equity, there are three metrics which can be used to measure the performance from three different aspects. Firstly, financial brand equity metrics is used to measure a brand’s profitability and it is include market share, price sensitivity, profitability, revenue etc. Roll (2009) reveals that Measure a brand’s monetary value through the various parameters of market share, price premium a brand commands, the revenue generation capabilities of a brand, the transaction value, the lifetime value of a brand and the rate at which brands sustains growth. The purpose of this measure is to allow a firm to evaluate an accurate financial value of brand equity linked to marketing metrics. Moreover, Knowledge metrics is the key driver of brand equity which refer to measure brand’s awareness and popularity via many stages of recognition, aided, unaided and top of mind recall. Similarly, the functional and emotional associations of a brand are important drivers of  brand equity. Knowledge metrics include the loyalty, retention and awareness. For example, PlayBoy is recently changing their target consumers and markets. It must be imperative to them as their recognition has decreased significant in the global market such as China. As the result, PlayBoy has suffered of a huge loss because the losing of knowledge metrics. The third metrics is Consumer Brand Equity Metrics which refer to track consumer sentiment and behaviors related to your brand to get a complete understanding of brand equity. If consumers believe in a brand, it has far more equity than a brand that consumers don’t care about or believe in. (Gunelius). In order to approach this metrics, firms has to ask questions through surveys and research that gives information of how people feel about the brand and how they make purchase decision. Firms can use those dates to track the brand equ ity to ensure it’s growing in a positive direction. The Benefit of Brand Equity Approaching brand equity is always giving a lot of advantages to the firms. I strongly suggest should use brand equity to gain the benefit shown below 1. Increase market share of the company If a firms successfully approach brand equity in the market, their product value will be excess the market expectation which will attract potential investor to invest into the company. It increase the market share at the market, moreover, it accelerate the development of new firms. Beats electronics is developed on 2008 and it has become one of the most valuable audio product manufactures in the world. As they have unique strategy to promote and differentiate their product, the value of their brand has increase 27 billion dollars in 3 years and it has been purchased by Apple on 2014. 2. Helps build Brand loyalty Brand loyalty is directly related with brand equity. Well-developed and promoted brands make product positioning efforts more effective. Brand loyalty is the consumer’s commitment to repurchase to a specific brand while  brand equity refers to the marketing effects which a product’s value increases because the branding effect. This means that people will always show more brand loyalty a specific brand if the brand equity of the product is higher. For example, Apple as one of the leader sheep of the smart phone market, their unique feature and design has earned a lot of brand loyalty in the market. 3. Helps to introduce new product When Firms are trying to establish a new product in the market, it is always easier if the firms have successful brand equity as their brand is already well-known in the market. 4. Reduce promotion cost Promotion is always costly ecstatically through media channel. However, brand equity can reduce the price of the promotion as they have a solid consumer base which will promote firm’s product by word of mouth. Conclusion Brand equity is a phrase used in the marketing industry to try to obtain the benefit from the brand’s power, based on the idea that the owner of the well-known brand name can make more revenue from products or services. As consumers believe that products with famous names is better than less well-known products as another word for â€Å"brand equity† is the â€Å"brand value†. The value will have be premium when a firm realizes from a product with a recognizable name as compared to its generic equivalent. Companies can create brand equity for their products by 4 aspects which are differentiation, knowledge, relevance and esteem. Therefore, business should approach brand equity as their primary goal as it provides a lot of advantage and it increase the marketing productivity significantly. Reference list Gunelius, S 2014,’ Brand Equity Basics – Part 1: What Is Brand Equity?’ retrieved 07 September 2014, <> Aaker, D 2009 Managing Brand Equity, The Free Press, New York Kohli, C& Leuthesser, L 2001,’ BRAND EQUITY: CAPITALIZING ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL’, retrieved 07 September 2014, <> Keller, K L 1993,’Conceptualizing, Measuring, and managing Customer-Basaed Brand Equity’, Journal of Marketing, retrieved 07 September 2014, <>

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Find Old SAT Scores

How to Find Old SAT Scores If you took the SAT a million years ago, you may have thought that by walking away from the testing site, you were done with that phase of your life forever. On the contrary, if you try to continue your education or nab an entry-level job, your SAT scores could be a big boost in your resume if your job history isnt substantial.   What if you went right into a trade, bypassed college, and are now considering enrolling in an undergraduate program? Do you even remember which college admissions test you took? (The ACT is often confused for the SAT) Or what a good SAT score  even is? If any of this sounds like you, then you will need those SAT score reports, and heres how to go about getting them.   Settling an Old Score Finding your old SAT scores only takes a few steps. Remember which college admissions test you took: ACT or SAT.  ACT: Your ACT score will be a two digit number from 0 to 36.SAT: Your SAT score will be a three or four digit score between 600 and 2400. The current scale started in March 2016 for the Redesigned SAT, which uses a different scoring system, with a maximum of 1600. Since the SAT has changed quite a bit in the last 20 years, the score you may have received in the 80s or 90s would be scaled a bit differently now.Request a score report from the College Board.  By mail:  Download the  request form  and mail it to SAT Program / P.O. Box 7503 / London, KY 40742-7503. Youll need to know your personal information at the time of testing, like your street address, and will also need to choose recipients to whom youd like the SAT scores sent.  By phone:  For an additional fee of $10, you can call to order archived SAT score reports at  (866) 756-7346 (domestic), (212) 713-7789 (international), (888) 857-2477 (TTY in th e U.S.), or (609) 882-4118 (TTY international). Pay the fee for your old SAT score reportThe archive retrieval fee for old SAT reports is currently $31.  Each report will cost you $12, so that amount needs to be multiplied by the number of recipients youre sending the report to.Additional fees ($31) apply for rush delivery.Wait for your score reports to arrive! Within five weeks of receiving your information, the College Board will mail your score reports to you and to the score recipients youve listed on the form.   Tips to Speed Up the Process Get some information together before you get on the phone or fill out the score request sheet. Youll need details like your name and address at the time of SAT testing, your approximate test date, college, and scholarship program codes for recipients of your scores, and your credit card number.  Write legibly on all required forms, preferably in all caps. Youll delay the scores if you choose to write sloppily.  Remember that since your scores are older, the tests may have changed and the score reporting services will send a letter stating that fact to the institution in which youre interested. So, even though you may have earned top ranks for the year you tested, your score back then may not mean the same thing as the scores of today. Contact the College Board to explain if youre confused about the scoring scale and differences.Pay an additional (optional) $31 rush service fee.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Witchcraft accusations, trials, and hysteria in border regions and rural areas in Western Europe

Witchcraft accusations, trials, and hysteria in border regions and rural areas in Western Europe The sixteenth century was marked by a great number of witch trials in rural areas and border regions of Western Europe. This situation could be observed in England, Scotland, Germany, France, and other countries.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Witchcraft accusations, trials, and hysteria in border regions and rural areas in Western Europe specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To a great extent, this phenomenon can be attributed to the following factors: 1) official recognition of witchcraft and the activities of religious zealots who inspired the persecution of many people; 2) the stereotypes and superstitions about women and their relations with supernatural powers; 3) poverty, wars, and religious turmoil. These are the main issues that should be taken into account. At first, one should mention that the religious authorities recognized the existence of witches. For instance, it is possible to refer to the bull of Innoce nt VIII in which he grants local authorities the right to â€Å"do all things necessary† in order to struggle with witches (Innocent VIII unpaged). Furthermore, much attention should be paid to the notorious treatise Malleus Maleficarum which is also known as The Hammer of Witches. Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger, who were the authors of this text, popularized the idea that many people could be the servant of â€Å"devils† (Kramer and Sprenger 41). To some degree, this book contributed to the growing hysteria about witches, especially in Germany. Finally, it is critical to mention that the stereotypes according to which women were more likely to be to be seduced by the devil (Verlet). They contributed to the victimization of many women, especially spinsters and widows since they were most powerless (Verlet). These are some of the forces that increased the fear of witches. Moreover, it is critical to remember that witchcraft accusations were more widespread in the ar eas that could be profoundly affected by wars and poverty (Lualdi 320). To some extent, they intensified people’s hostility to one another. Among such regions, one can distinguish rural areas of Scotland and Germany. Under such circumstances, people were more likely to use witchcraft accusations as a means of acquiring wealth. In turn, the most unprotected victims could be widows and spinsters. Thus, one should focus on the socio-economic aspects of this phenomenon.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, witch trials were more widespread in the countries where the influence of the Catholic Church was weakest. Again, one can speak about Germany or Switzerland. These states were mostly profoundly affected by the Protestant Reformation. Moreover, the role of Catholicism in Scotland or England was reduced because the government did not want the church to interfere in to its policies (Hunt et al. 464). The main problem is that the declining power of the Roman Catholicism gave rise to people who could be viewed as religious fanatics. Moreover, even religious leaders of the Protestant Reformation such as Calvin and Luther approved of witch trials (Ankerloo 11; Brady 626). In turn, the activities of religious zealots were least controlled in rural areas of these countries. This is another aspect that can be distinguished. Thus, one can say that the witchcraft hysteria can be attributed to a combination of different factors. Much attention should be paid to the role of zealots who raised panic about witchcraft and insisted on persecution of many innocent people. Additionally, poverty and war contributed the increased number of witchcraft accusations especially in rural or borderline regions. These are the main factors that made witch hunt possible in Western Europe. Ankerloo, Bengt. Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: The Period of the Witch Trials, New York: Continuum, 2002. Print. Brady, Thomas. Handbook of European History 1400 1600: Late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, London: BRILL, 1994. Print. Hunt, Lynn, Thomas Martin, Barbara Rosenwein, and Bonnie Smith. Making of the West, Volume II: Since 1500: Peoples and Cultures, London: Bedford, 2012. Print. Innocent VIII. Bull Summis Desiderantes. 5 Dec. 1484. Web. We will write a custom essay sample on Witchcraft accusations, trials, and hysteria in border regions and rural areas in Western Europe specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Kramer, Heinrich and James Sprenger. The Malleus Maleficarum, New York, Book Tree, 2000. Print. Lualdi, Katharine. Sources of The Making of the West, Volume II: Since 1500: Peoples and Cultures, London: Bedford, 2012. Print. Verlet, Melissa. The Witch Hysteria. 28 Sep. 2013. Web.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

7 Eleven PEST Analysis

7 Eleven PEST Analysis 1 CompanyBackground (7-Eleven) 7-Eleven was founded in Dallas, Texas in 1927. It is the world's largest convenience store operator, with over 21,000 units worldwide, the largest in the United States. Independent petrol retailers. The name of the Seven Eleven began in 1946 when the store was open from 7 am to 11 pm. Today, offering customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week services is the cornerstone of the Seven - Eleven business. 2 Customer-Friendly Elements 7-Eleven is focused on meeting customers' needs by offering fair and affordable, fresh and high-quality products and services widely, quickly conducting transactions and cleaning swiftly I'm leaving. Pest Analysis Pest analysis is used to identify external forces that affect the organization. This is a simple analysis of the organization's political, economic, social and technical environment. PEST analysis including legal and environmental factors is called PESTLE analysis. The first element of the politica l PEST analysis is the study of political factors. Political factors have various effects on organizations. Political factors can create the following benefits and opportunities. Sybil Abstract The Sybil Abstracts and Learning Guide contains comprehensive information and analysis to help you understand this book. This study guide has the following section. This detailed literature summary also includes discussion topics from Flora Rheta Schreiber and Sybil Free Quiz. Sybil is the true story of Sybil Isabel Dorsett. He developed 16 different characters in response to a very painful childhood. Sybil's story is one of the most convincing cases. The following pest analysis was created for each of the three markets. Pest analysis represents political, economic, socio-cultural and technical environment. We will use pest analysis to guide us to function based on these change categories. Furthermore, by making good use of the analysis, the company can avoid actions that have been accused of failing from the beginning for reasons that can not be managed. The following is a pest analysis to capture the markets in Dubai and London. The purpose of PEST analysis is to identify opportunities and threats in wider operational environment. Companies are trying to utilize opportunities while mitigating potential threats. Basically, PEST analysis leads to strategic decisions. The main elements of PEST analysis are as follows. Ordinarily, companies try to exploit opportunities that are consistent with internal strengths; that is, companies can match any benefits with external opportunities. If you want to take advantage of opportunities in the field of weakness, you may need to build up your abilities. A vulnerability that matches an external threat represents a vulnerability, and an enterprise may need to develop an emergency response plan

Friday, October 18, 2019

Improving a Corporate Tool That Shifts Workload from UK Employees to Essay

Improving a Corporate Tool That Shifts Workload from UK Employees to Sourcing Centers in Emerging Economies - Essay Example Another of its many uses is to help with the investigating of existing third party agreements for internal and customer engagements. Most commonly they are used to source third party contracts& agreements (Great Britain, 40, 2006).   Methodology The current problem is discussed below. Hewlett-Packard is one of the leading IT firms worldwide, founded in 1939 by Bill Hewlett & Dave Packard. HP operates many markets within the technology sector including: PC, Laptops, Personal Printers, Industrial Printers, Storage, Networking, etc. HP has been recognized as a leading IT firm since its early days, however in recent times it has become scandal prone through various CEO changes and bad acquisitions. Since January 2010 until now HP has undergone 4 CEO changes from Mark Hurd (April 2005- August 2010) to Meg Whitman (September 2011 – Present), along with the 4 CEO changes came two major failed acquisitions for HP: Palm Inc. (2010) a struggling mobile phone provider was purchased for $1.2billion, 1 year later Palms Smart phones, tablets &webOS devises where discontinued by HP (Information Resources Management Association, & Khosrowpour, 55, 1997).   About the Company and the problem Autonomy acquired for $11.1billion quickly turned out to be overvalued by ?8.8billion and this debt was written off by HP during the last fiscal year 2012.Following these changes HP has been seen as unstable and risky by investors and shareholders, this has reflected in HPs share price by plummeting over %50 in the last 5 years (Hewlett-Packard). Through these struggling times our Voice of the Workforce (VOW) a questionnaire about employees job satisfaction held annually by HP was better than expected but still left room for improvement. The latest VOW from July 2011 –... This essay approves that the benefits of the tool are far much more than the weakness. Therefore, as discussed above, the new tool will increase the efficiency and effectiveness in the management of the turnaround times. This will happen through the following four critical Sourcecon successes; one, the request pipeline will be managed by the GC’s Delivery Assurance team. Two, the BP’s and stakeholders will receive automated notification in case there are any changes in status. This will enable them to timely correct the forms in case of any mistakes. Three, the requests will be automatically directed to the solution owners This report makes a conclusion that to implement Sourcecon, one must first access the GP followed by BUs access. Through the procurement central home page, one will be able to access Sourcecon. Here, there will be detailed interface showing the key roles of the SourceCon requester, recipient assigning manager, recipient solution, GP Strategic Business, Partners/Go to market. In addition, one will be able to access the roles of the CDA. Thus, depending with the interest of the user, he/she will choose the most suitable role. After which, one will be able to access the SourceCon request form. It is this form that must be filled in. after submitting the request form; it is possible to see the submission response. In addition, one will receive any updates and notifications. Usually these are received through the request life cycle. The SourceCon information’s are confidential and cannot be accessed by any unauthorized person. This means that, there is no fear or call for alarm, un like the NRTs.

Speech Analysis. First Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt Essay

Speech Analysis. First Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt - Essay Example Winning his first election campaign and outrunning his opponent Herbert Hoover Roosevelt has given a traditional oath to office after which the famous speech was performed. Above the traditional live audience consisted from something about 15 thousands of people newly president’s speech was heard on the radio by supposedly 10 million people all across the United States of America. It was crafted by Raymond Moley who was Roosevelt’s ally during the New Deal reforms. Speech lasted 20 minutes and itself is one of the best examples of spoken word in the 20th century. The incredible resemblance and significance of this speech depends greatly on the historical circumstances and general situation of the America which was deeply disintegrated and collapsed by The Great Depression. It is a classic example of how the times of historical, political or economic crisis bring the uprising of a strong, powerful and great leader. It was Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, Founding Fathers during the Revolution and it was Franklin Roosevelt, the only president so honorable to rule America for 13 years. Thirteen trouble years during which Mr. Roosevelt has defeated Depression and fought Nazi Third Reich, Fascist Italians and Japanese all for the prosperity of his own compatriots and the freedom of other countries suffering from tyranny and oppression (Coker 35). Being one of the most spectacular and influent presidents and not only a great politician but also a man of justice Mr. Roosevelt also made it worth to give a significant speech which preceded all hi s further noble achievements.

Strategic Quality And System Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Quality And System Management - Essay Example Starbucks is a good example of an organization that undertook strategic quality change after heavy failures experienced after the 2008 recession (Miller, 2011). A new product named Sorbetto failed to meet customer expectations but the instant coffee Via, a deviation from the custom-made coffee of Starbucks, met the quality expectations and was successful and helped Starbucks emerge from the poor performance of the recession (Miller, 2011). As the costs and benefits of strategic quality change are illustrated in the case of Starbucks, organizations need to evaluate the outcomes of strategic quality change and implement steps to align strategic quality change measures with strategic objectives. Taking the example of Starbucks, the organization could have avoided the cost of failure of Sorbetto launched in 2008 if it had robust quality change evaluation systems. Smylie (2010, 144) recommends a continuous quality improvement system which balances innovation routines that promote experimentation and risk-taking with generative learning feedback systems that provide continuous feedback from the environment. The outcome of strategic quality change initiatives can be measured by setting measurable outcomes for the change and their communication across the organization. Since the former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz admits that Sorbetto was launched in haste and failed because it was too sweet for customers’ tastes (Miller, 2011), the results from a pilot study or feasibility study would have helped it to modify the product quality or defer the decision to launch it. In addition, Pickett (2010, p. 459) emphasizes the need for a quality assessment system in organizations and also states that quality change should be undertaken at the systems level as opposed to operational levels. Where the outcomes of the strategic quality change indicate a deviation from strategic objectives, the management needs to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Exam - 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Exam - 2 - Essay Example s not able to collect a team of dedicated members who have expertise in software, hardware and technological elements of the project then it is likely that the risk associated with the project would enhance. Applegate, Austin and Soule (2009, p. 312) postulate that a minimization of this risk is indeed possible if companies hire technology consultants that can work on every technological aspect of the project, address weaknesses and rectify issues. Lastly, the varying nature of projects determines certain requirements that are relevant to the project. These requirements are not similar for every venture therefore, in some cases the presence of stable requirements has the ability to minimize risk while, more difficult requirements translate into a greater probability of risk. The development of system projects may not be able to meet the specified aim and objectives due a number of underlying factors. Most importantly, if the senior management that is responsible for executing the project and leading the team that is involved in the project does not demonstrate unparalleled commitment to the project then the project maybe steered towards implementation failure (Lecture 6). Another factor that contributes to the incidence of implementation failure is that of gutless estimating. This notion implies that when a middle level manager prepares the cost schedule for a project then in certain situations the manager maybe forced by members of the senior level management to present a cost schedule that hides the true extent of costs and expenses for the project (Lecture 6). As the deceptive figures are entered as a part of the project cost schedule the future success of the project is comprised. Moreover, if the project is not characterized by the presence of change control frameworks then the absence of these components enhances the possibility of an unexpected increase in the costs of the project which is also unfavorable (Lecture 6). Lastly, it stands true that if the

Exam 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Exam 3 - Essay Example The population has risen exponentially and the economy has revolved into an industrial country. The political system has been changed into a democratic system that is governed by the people. However, the post Mao era has been characterized with some of the Mao era leadership tactics. In the West, the universal view is that, in spite of the drastic economic changes, China’s communist regime has remained unchanged. This essay is a discussion of the political changes and continuities in the post Mao era as compared to the Mao era. In the 1980s, the political atmosphere became repressive and divided. There was an occasional relief after the Mao regime, but there was a return of the frigid Mao regime repression. The government was divided on political liberalization with some favouring political tolerance and others favouring repression to keep order and stability. In 1986, student unrest became imminent in China. They were advocating for improvement of living conditions, racial tensions, party state corruption, and the economic unfairness (Schoppa, 396). Party nepotism had spread over the campuses. They opposed the socialist government under the leadership of Fang Lizhi, a scientist. Police were sent to disrupt the movement of students camped around the city hall. Lizhi was expelled from the party and other liberal intellectuals were asked to resign. The mere opposition of the party led to their expulsion. This indicates the lack of democracy in the post Mao regime. The regime utilized the Mao era tactics to r ule. Therefore, this was a continuation of the Mao regime in China. Currently, the post Mao era has been characterized by dissident resistance movements. The movements are collective, organized, evocative and public. The resistance in the Mao era was different, since it was individual and non-public. The movements have led to an increase in pressure to the government, and thus leading to the release of most of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Strategic Quality And System Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Quality And System Management - Essay Example Starbucks is a good example of an organization that undertook strategic quality change after heavy failures experienced after the 2008 recession (Miller, 2011). A new product named Sorbetto failed to meet customer expectations but the instant coffee Via, a deviation from the custom-made coffee of Starbucks, met the quality expectations and was successful and helped Starbucks emerge from the poor performance of the recession (Miller, 2011). As the costs and benefits of strategic quality change are illustrated in the case of Starbucks, organizations need to evaluate the outcomes of strategic quality change and implement steps to align strategic quality change measures with strategic objectives. Taking the example of Starbucks, the organization could have avoided the cost of failure of Sorbetto launched in 2008 if it had robust quality change evaluation systems. Smylie (2010, 144) recommends a continuous quality improvement system which balances innovation routines that promote experimentation and risk-taking with generative learning feedback systems that provide continuous feedback from the environment. The outcome of strategic quality change initiatives can be measured by setting measurable outcomes for the change and their communication across the organization. Since the former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz admits that Sorbetto was launched in haste and failed because it was too sweet for customers’ tastes (Miller, 2011), the results from a pilot study or feasibility study would have helped it to modify the product quality or defer the decision to launch it. In addition, Pickett (2010, p. 459) emphasizes the need for a quality assessment system in organizations and also states that quality change should be undertaken at the systems level as opposed to operational levels. Where the outcomes of the strategic quality change indicate a deviation from strategic objectives, the management needs to

Exam 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Exam 3 - Essay Example The population has risen exponentially and the economy has revolved into an industrial country. The political system has been changed into a democratic system that is governed by the people. However, the post Mao era has been characterized with some of the Mao era leadership tactics. In the West, the universal view is that, in spite of the drastic economic changes, China’s communist regime has remained unchanged. This essay is a discussion of the political changes and continuities in the post Mao era as compared to the Mao era. In the 1980s, the political atmosphere became repressive and divided. There was an occasional relief after the Mao regime, but there was a return of the frigid Mao regime repression. The government was divided on political liberalization with some favouring political tolerance and others favouring repression to keep order and stability. In 1986, student unrest became imminent in China. They were advocating for improvement of living conditions, racial tensions, party state corruption, and the economic unfairness (Schoppa, 396). Party nepotism had spread over the campuses. They opposed the socialist government under the leadership of Fang Lizhi, a scientist. Police were sent to disrupt the movement of students camped around the city hall. Lizhi was expelled from the party and other liberal intellectuals were asked to resign. The mere opposition of the party led to their expulsion. This indicates the lack of democracy in the post Mao regime. The regime utilized the Mao era tactics to r ule. Therefore, this was a continuation of the Mao regime in China. Currently, the post Mao era has been characterized by dissident resistance movements. The movements are collective, organized, evocative and public. The resistance in the Mao era was different, since it was individual and non-public. The movements have led to an increase in pressure to the government, and thus leading to the release of most of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Gender and Flag Question Essay Example for Free

Gender and Flag Question Essay Feminists argue that gender matters because _____. Select one: a. it helps us bring some order to a chaotic world b. it structures social relations between people c. it emphasizes natural differences that exist between men and women d. there are roles for which men are each better suited and other roles for which women are better suited Question 2 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text Your introductory sociology professor believes that gender roles serve a purpose in society to fulfill certain functions. What type of theoretical background is your professor espousing? Select one: a. conflict b. postmodern c. structuration d. structural functionalism Question 3 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text Which of the following theories is associated with the idea that gender is a process—a product of our everyday social interactions? Select one: a. psychoanalytic theory b. conflict theory c. microinteractionist theory d. postmodern theory Question 4 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text How might a sociologist describe the difference between homosexuality and homosexual behavior? Select one: a. Homosexuality is a fixed social identity that is determined at birth, and homosexual behavior is the outward manifestation of that identity. b. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, whereas homosexual behavior is a choice about how to act in a particular moment and context. c. Homosexuality implies having a certain social identity, whereas homosexual behavior is a choice about a particular activity at a particular time. d. Homosexuality implies obtaining a social identity through repeated homosexual behavior Question 5 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text While policies that overtly discriminate against women have mostly been driven from the workplace, there still exist covert barriers that are often referred to as _____. Select one: a. the mommy track b. the glass ceiling c. hegemonic masculinity d. the glass escalator Question 6 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text _____ is a nearly universal system involving the subordination of femininity to masculinity. Select one: a. Patriarchy b. Sexism c. Matriarchy d. Hegemonic masculinity Question 7 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text Gender studies can be said to focus on the relationship between _____. Select one: a. nature and nurture b. sex and sexuality c. men and women d. sexual preference and social environment Question 8 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text Which of the following statements offers an essentialist explanation for gender differences? Select one: a. Women find themselves in lower paying jobs with fewer opportunities for advancement because such jobs make it easier for them to balance work and family. b. Women take on more responsibility for domestic tasks because men still think of such things as women’s work. c. There are far fewer women professors in the hard sciences because women are tracked toward the humanities and social sciences. d. Women are overrepresented in professions such as nursing, teaching, and social work because they are inherently more nurturing and caring than men. Question 9 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text Women working in male-dominated professions often find that there are _____ opportunities for advancement, and men working in female-dominated professions often advance _____ their female colleagues. Select one: a. limited; more slowly than b. limited; as quickly as c. ample; as quickly as . limited; more quickly than Question 10 Not yet answered Marked out of 3. 00 Flag question Question text The interview with Paula England highlights the changing gender dynamics of relationships for college students. In what way have the female college students that Dr. England describes lost a level of equality with male college students? Select one : a. Women have more limited choices in dating partners. b. Women encounter a lack of reciprocal sexual pleasure. c. Women encounter reduced communication about relationships from men. d. Women are burdened with a larger share of the â€Å"emotional work† required to keep a relationship function.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Effects of Japans Ageing Population on Business

Effects of Japans Ageing Population on Business Introduction Many nations in the world have faced with many problems of their population growth. However, the dominant factor in the next society might expose these problems in more details, which most people might begin to pay attention deeper on these problems such as the rapid growth in the amount of older population and the rapid shrinking of the younger generation, with the threats of demographic development such as welfare effects, social conflicts and reducing workforce, etc. Therefore, the government in each nation should have more considerations on these problems before it is growing to be the unsolved problems. Recently, this phenomenon is spreading its effect to many nations in this globe. Specifically in Japan, there are many researches and figures which can be clearly shown that Japan are staying at the highest position of the middle ages average and also leading in the decline of population growth. This scale of the problem in Japan is unprecedented for the world. Therefore, Japan could be an example for many nations that are facing the same crisis which could learn how to handle or find out any solutions or policies to cope with this problem. In one effect, this change created many problems in Japan such as the declination of workforce, extra welfare burden and the lack of opportunities and chances for new generation. It is also includes the issue integration of young and old people in workplaces. Nevertheless, aging population has not had only drawbacks. On the other hand, it is the opportunities for many companies to invent any innovations which suit with middle aged and old age groups. This essay consists of three sections. The first section will focus on two topics which comprised by increasing life expectancy and declining population in Japan. The second section of the essay will examine on shrinking population of working age and Japans health care service industry. The final section of the essay will present the opportunities opened up for business by population aging such as how to develop products, design, innovation and services for silver market customer that suitable for the elderly target groups. Part I: Demographic changes and economic growth in Japan To comprehend the demographic component that caused population aging that would be refer to stable populations. According to the graph that presents age-specific fertility and the figure of mortality rates remain stable over time, from this conclusion in a number of contribute to population aging that remain constant and eventually becomes time instant as well. The report shows that in a global context, Japans ageing is remarkable for its pace. The country took only 24 years to transform from the elderly society, where the older population accounted for 7% from the total population to the elderly society, where it doubled of the share, according to UN definitions. Source: World population prospects, 2008 Revision, United Nations. ( The abstract foundation of a decreased form models applied in econometric studies are: (1) saving and investment in the life cycle model (2) age-specific modification in labour productivity. The reason why this theoretical is that important to focus on is peoples economic needs modulate at different the way of life and peoples behavior, the effect of economic performance that effects in a countrys age structure has been changed. By contrast, most of young people demand investment in education and health, adults contribute labour and savings, and the aged demand retirement income and health care. (Kohlbacher, Herstatt, 2008) Life expectancy Some people said that the experience of happiness could be changed in case of getting older. According to a research from 80 countries over the world shows a notably in a same pattern. Happiness is looks like a U-shaped curve, many people are happiest from the beginning until end of their lives. Most people reach at the bottom at age 44. At the lowest point of the graph, they will be stuck in this point until age 50 as long as their healthy, the level of their happiness will increase and the risk of depression will decline. This pattern is still the same even in rich or poor persons. (Moynagh and Worseley) Furthermore, those people who born between 1925 to 1945 will count in the ranks of the extreme older age. This group has faced difficult improvements in their life expectancy over the past 40 years than earlier generations. However, the propellant of longer life will increase in the elderly following by changes in lifestyle such as less smoking, advances in medicine such as the use of antibiotics, environmental improvement such as living in the place that have less pollution and healthier diets such as eat more fibre. Declining population in Japan Japan is one of the most recently a rapid growing of aging country but low birth rate. In 2005, over the next several decades, the figure of people who aged over 64 will increase rapidly whereas the possibility of actual population has been declined. In Germany and Japan that facing the fertility rates that are far under the replacement rate wanted to maintain a steady population. Nowadays the number of birth rate in Japan and German y are approximately 2.1 children per woman. Assuming of authentic projections, which is the figure of fertility rate might be slowly revert to the replacement proportion in Japan. By contrast this figure could be remaining nearly to the recent level (1.4) in Germany. In fact, Assuming of German forecasts are durable but still declining of the immigration, which is approximately 2 immigrants per 1,000 residents within an annual, compared with 5.6 earlier from this decade. In Japan, the immigration is assumed to be negligible compared with Germany. ( Part II: Effect of population aging on the countrys economy According to the increasing number of Japans population aging that have many effects on their country such as decreasing of working age as the quantity of retirement has risen rapidly and one more reason that effect on this country is the quality of Japans health care service industry which is very important section for the elderly due to an increasing demand of the elderly therefore health care services will be necessary to prepare their equipments and services to deal with the rising number of older people from now on. Shrinking population of working age As Japan has explored, when a large amount of the population who is in a sector of retirement-planning years (34 percent are aged 40-64 versus 27 percent in the U.S.) the figure of saving rates can increase to levels that lower economic growth and consumption. In a situation known as Ricardian equivalence when budget deficits have fueled an increasing concern about Japans economic in the future, these caused ageing workforce due to respond to prepare their saving. Never the less, most of countries, the numbers of retirement are probably to have an opposite effect. One OECD analysis found that in the industrial, the figure of saving rates world might be decreased approximately eight percent of GDP during the late 2020s. Especially in Japan, where the number of retirees depends on their personal savings to finance in their old age and these has also caused all companies that have to train new employees due to the increasing of retirement of aging people so far. ( Japans health care service industry This is the most pledge industry of the health care service industry because of a constantly growing customer base and many factors that followed by requiring among the elder people in health care services. Normally, the consumption on health care services of elder people who aged 70 and above are around three times those compared with their age average. Even if this effect on the aid from the health insurance plans, it is evident that the possible demand of elder people for health care services should rise with rising number of the elderly. Furthermore, same as other quality services, the income flexibility of health care services is usually higher than to live together in unity. This means that most of elder people are willing to pay without considering for the quality further than quantity of the services. According to the statement, the health care service industry should produce only the good value services that most of people are willing to pay. On the other hand, the government with fewer considerations and fewer responses for the difference of the quality services legislated to fix the price for the health care services. This frequently according to ineffective resource allocations, incorporating the creation in black markets. Eventually, the condition of health care services is extremely arranged by two layers of arrangements. The first one is the arrangement on clinics and hospitals. The qualification of medical services staffs, nurses and doctors. Another condition is a process to apply to the health care services of the public health insurance. These conditions were primordially set for patients profits. However, sector fact are commonly used in subsist poor health care supplier for the protection. Consequently, they actually obviate in supply increased of capable health care services encounting with the potential require. If the conditions were removed, all of the health care services can be mushrooming substantially. Part III, Opportunities opened up for business by population aging Among of the problems that many nations have faced to including in Japan whereas there still have the opportunities for certain business to prevent many products, design, innovation and improve their services including the way to manage business to handle with changing consumer values and lifestyle of the elderly. Developing products, design, innovation and services for silver market customer According to the aging of industrialized, led by Japan, demand of the facilities of elderly people to help them manage everything in their life easier than common life. For this reasons, many companies in Japan are trying to find the methods, ideas and helpful facilities to create a new product for providing attractive and helpful solutions dealing with elderly people to very old consumers. This is a great chance for companies, commerce, manufacturers and service providers to develop their products for these aging groups. Until now, the figure of the elderly people are remain rising share in the total population, also a rise in life expectancy, products and services have been considered and researched so far for old age to support them lead their lives easier as an independent. These problems have become important hardly contain any attention for a long time in the past and the elderly users rejected the common friendly solution because these solutions clearly created from the technology of handicapped and rehabilitation. Thus, developing the new innovative products should be covered for all age in a concept design for all however, all products should be thoroughly considered on safety and comfort especially for elderly age. From the idea as above, the new research project Sentha has prevented. Sentha is stand for Everyday Technology for Senior Households and it also start establishing to develop new product concepts and new approaches. With the mission for the research, contributory observation for Sentha achieved quite fundamental importance. The advantage of Contributory observation has been sensitive including habitual, unreflective and everyday action. There is no accident that contributory observation which is regarded as the royal road area research due to the linguistic-interrogative methods such as interviews and group discussions which cannot be explored by a position to train ones sights on things. Contributory observation is thus, different from an interview, sensitive and usable equipment for researching everyday life. Hand movement and motions that can go on in a completely routine manner, especially it can be a point of departure for ones work. This can be a trick from spending life of an elderly people. For instance, a screwed-in light bulb as a darning mushroom which is illuminated from within for elderly age who cannot see well in dim light. These are some hi-tech products and services in Japan that they created for the elderly which is dominated by nursing care, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. Intelligent toilets In many Japanese hotels, the healthiness of defecations can be showed by this machine, variety of heat functions are set at the seat to push up elderly people in order to help them getting off the toilet easier. Now, with a co-operation of two large companies Toto and Daiwa house installed toilets for pensioners which is a concept for this mergence. These toilets are installed medical sugars that can measure blood pressure, body fat and blood sugar rates of the user. Including a built-in internet device that can email any healthy information directly to the doctor to ensure their health. Cars Carmakers have created intelligent cars with dashboards that have large numbers and letters to let the driver especially the elderly people see the dashboards easily. Moreover, this car is including accelerator and hand controls for the brake, and swiveling seats to make it easier when the driver want to get in and out. Robot pets It quite difficult to the elderly who want to have a pet therefore this is a high technology to create a robot pet that seems like a real pet which can be responded the owners with opening and closing its eyes and it also moving its tail as well. Furthermore, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Japan has developed the robots which is working as a nurse that can help and lift the elderly up and help them out of bed. ( Changing consumer values and lifestyle Japans recent dynamic social environment, merged with economic globalization the development of information technology, mostly influences the diversification of people with their values and lifestyles. To be more precise, people become more liberal toward different ways of thinking therefore not only the internet and communication technology that infiltrate on peoples lifestyle and values but also the way that their communication styles and personal relations as well. The important factors that affect in changing consumer values and lifestyles are the spread of epidemic. For instance, tainted food and avian flu and also disasters from other natural that cause greater concern for security and disease prevention. This enhanced concern encourages consumer for safe, healthy food also in other health-related goods. However, it would be difficult to analyze or specific factors to influence them to change their habits. These are mechanism of change in and diversification of values in Japan: awareness of health ,safety and prevention, will to learn, value seeking, generosity in differences, view of family and marriage (Kohlbacher, Herstatt, 2008) Marketing for the silver market The demand of the older customers is very necessary in a market of retailing trade due to the possible of the best-agers is quite underestimated. This is varied target group, including the elderly who age over 50 years with the difference of socio-demographic characteristics, leisure time activities, value orientations and consumer preferences. In fact, these can be considered that, negligence of the specific interests and consumption habits of the elderly, in common they share the basic needs to provide themselves by retail shopping as long as they are able to do these activities. The report in German, the amount of the spending power of aging people is also attractive. Aging people between 50-59 years old spent approximately 24000 euro in the retail trade whereas those aged over 60 had 20000 euro in each year to spend. However, the implication of the demographic on retail trade affects the decision on the location of commercial establishments. Demanding of the elderly groups regard ing comfort and convenience when they need shopping coincide with the target groups of younger people. Purchase outlets should be accessible includes the design of products that can make the consumer feel satisfied. (Kohlbacher, Herstatt, 2008) Conclusion

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Holdens Lonliness Catcher In the Rye :: essays research papers

Many young people often find themselves struggling to find their own identity and place in society. This search for self worth often leaves these young people feeling lonely and isolated because they are unsure of themselves. Holden Caulfield, J.D. Salinger's main character in the book The Catcher In the Rye, is young man on the verge of having a nervous breakdown. One contributor to this breakdown, is the loneliness that Holden experiences. His loneliness is apparent through many ways including: his lack of friends, his longing for his dead brother, and the way he attempts to gain acceptance from others. To Holden, everyone is either corny of phony. He uses these terms to describe what a person is if they do not act naturally and follow other people?s manners and grace. Holden dislikes phonies and thinks of them as people who try to be something they are not. He loathes people who showed off because it seems unnatural every time they do not act like themselves. Holden does not allow himself to have friendship because of his dull attitude. In the beginning of the book, the reader knows that Holden is lonely when he separates himself from the rest of the Pencey students by watching the football game from Thomsen Hill and not the grand stands. Holden is not a very sociable person partly because he finds himself better than many others. He dislikes his roommate because of his generic leather luggage. His next door roommate Ackley does not seem to want a friendship with him either. Holden finds Ackely?s zit crusted face ridiculous and doesn?t want him in his room at first. This shows the reader that Holden is a lonely person because he chooses to be lonely and does not want anything to do with people who do not fit into his perception of normal. Holden?s loneliness is apparent in more than just his lack of friends. His loneliness is made apparent by the way he misses his deceased brother, Allie. Holden makes several references to Allie and how the two used to get along and acted more like friends than brothers. Holden deeply misses his brother and even talks to him out loud to comfort himself because he still feels a void inside of him. Holden misses his brother more than others because Holden never had the final closure to his brother?s death, Holden never went to Allie?s funeral, and because Holden didn?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

How The Eustace Diamonds Changes Representations of Femininity Essay

How The Eustace Diamonds Changes Representations of Femininity in Vanity Fair Since Anthony Trollope published The Eustace Diamonds (1872), readers have associated Lizzie Eustace with Becky Sharp of William Makepeace Thackeray’s Vanity Fair (1848) (John Hall 378). Both Becky and Lizzie perform a femininity made all the more dangerous by contrast to the femininity of their idealized counterparts, Amelia and Lucy. Both novels involve a man’s choice between satisfying his sexual desire for the dangerous girl and fulfilling his promise to the ideal girl. As is typical in Victorian novels, the narrators spend more time exploring the bad girl option than the less-exciting alternative. In the context of denying the novel’s focus on Lizzie, Trollope’s narrator furthers the connection between the two bad girls by recalling Becky: Although the first two chapters of this new history have been devoted to the fortunes and personal attributes of Lady Eustace, the historian begs his readers not to believe that opulent and aristocratic Becky Sharp is to assume the dignity of heroine in the forthcoming pages (57). Given the difficulty of imagining how Trollope could have spent more time telling Lizzie’s story, the novel itself belies this statement; readers know that the bad girls are the heroines of both novels. Critics have noted the similarity between the two novels, but they have not really explored it. I want to argue that to understand the relationship between the good girl and bad girl in each novel, we have to move out from the dichotomy itself to the third term that determines the meaning of the other two: the woman who comes from abroad. I will argue that it is the shift that occurs in t... ... McLennan, John. Studies in Ancient History: Comprising a Reprint of Primitive Marriage. London: Macmillan, 1886. Miller, Andrew. Novels Behind Glass: Commodity, Culture, and Victorian Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995. Nunokawa, Jeff. The Afterlife of Property: Domestic Security and the Victorian Novel. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. Psomiades, Kathy. â€Å"Heterosexual Exchange and Other Victorian Fictions: The Eustace Diamonds and Victorian Anthropology.† Novel: A Forum on Fiction 33.1 (1999): 93-118. Thackeray, William Makepeace. Vanity Fair. John Carey, ed. London: Penguin Books, 2001. Thackeray, W.M. Vanity Fair. John Sutherland, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983. Trollope, Anthony. The Eustace Diamonds. Stephen Gill and John Sutherland, eds. London: Penguin Books, 1969.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The experience of love as described in the poetry section, Love and loss of the Tracks2 anthology

. The first pair of poems, â€Å"First love† by John Clare and â€Å"A birthday† by Christina Rossetti are both poems which tackle the early and vague stages of love, the first being more pessimistic as listing the negative effects of love- its ‘symptoms' rather than its positive side, the second portraying the authors happiness to be in the clutches of love. The use of strong imagery is evident in both pieces as they tackle what goes through ones mind when in love, although it seems that the former poem is more on the physical side of the subject rather than the emotional. Christina Rossetti's poem seems to be full of joy to her lovers coming, if not slightly vague in that aspect, until one learns that her lover was very likely god and that it was death for whi9ch she was so eagerly waiting for. The first poems love seems unrequited, which seems to be the climax of it- the anxiousness of the author to â€Å"are flowers the winter's choice? Rossetti does not give much insight into the details of her love, but it seems that she has no worries of this- she seems more in control of her love. This is evident through rossetta's use of royal imagery, from mentioning the rich vair, which was used as a medieval fur cloak lining to the sovereign â€Å"peacocks with a hundred eyes†. Clare gives the impression that he is physically under her control; this conclusion can be drawn from the way â€Å"my legs refused to walk away† which shows his great helplessness to this situation-in contrast to the in-control Rossetti style love. A similarity that both poems share is the use of natural imagery to convey emotions regarding love, Clare resorts to describing ‘her' face as â€Å"a sweet flower† which seems to be the most natural image in the poem, in contrast to the slightly disturbing yet powerful images of blood burning around his heart and turning deadly pale. Christina Rossetti ‘s poem also uses natural imagery but more in the ‘first part'. The poem is not actually divided in any way, yet the reader will feel that way due to the split use of imagery of her former descriptions of â€Å"My heart†, followed by her orders as the sovereign noble. The imagery she uses can be easily associated with nobility since it includes the royal ‘vair', which was a valuable fur lining of garments use in the medieval times. It is therefore not incidental that Rossetti was obsessed with the middle ages, especially the Italian style of painting at this time. Her imagery is therefore not only rich, but slightly old fashioned â€Å"doves and pomegranates† were signets often used on shields of royal houses and clans. The gender of the writer seems to have an effect on the portrayal of love, Clare is victim, describing someone who â€Å"stole my heart away complete†, whilst Rossetti is the more in-control woman which is waiting for her love in splendour of royalty. The other apparently insignificant detail is that of the poems title, which of the two the latter seems to have a deeper meaning. â€Å"A Birthday† on first impression is a situation associated with joy and merrymaking, which is partly true to the emotions the author is expressing, yet it does not mean a ‘birthday' in the conventional sense of celebrating your birth, but in this case her ‘rebirth'. This rebirth can be interpreted as her waiting for death and her lover to be God, the images of richness and splendour can also be interpreted as in a more morose scene; the vair and purple dyes of the coffin and the fleurs-de-lis as the funeral bouqet. The title of Clare's poem simply gives an overall of the poem following, the incident of first love and the pains as well as pleasures that the author goes through during the whole ordeal; the physical pain of blood burning around his heart to the mental pain of uncertainty to â€Å"her† feelings towards ‘him'. The simplicity and consequently the impressive effect of both poems is a comparison to both, they both rhyme every two lines; â€Å"shoot†-â€Å"fruit† and both flow as abcbdcec. The poems are both divided into parts, much like paragraphs or the chapters of a book, they express slightly different emotions and change the context in every one of these ‘parts'. The second pair of poems is â€Å"When we two parted† by Lord Byron and â€Å"Villegiature† by Edith Nesbit. These are now about a much later phase of love, showing its condition after it has somewhat decayed and the passion has fizzled out. Both of the poets in comparison to the first set seem to suffer more as a result of their relationship than have any enjoyment out of it. The most painful image presented by lord Byron is that of their parting, as well as his later questioning why was she so dear. Villegature is the more light-hearted of the two, the author going on her very own ‘holiday', the word Villegature is French, which misleads the reader into thinking the poem will be about romance, only truly revealing the poets true emotions at the rather shocking end, â€Å"how you always bore me! The poems both express the expectations that the poets have of their lovers, this seems to differ with the poets gender, since lord Byron demands loyalty from his mistress, which is evident when he mentions that â€Å"light is thy fame†, fame meaning her social status is that she could be regarded as a woman of ‘loose' morals. The demands of Nesbit are quiet different, in light-hearted humour, she expresses h er lust for romance and passion, which has evidently vanished, from her relationship. The relationship is not described in great detail, but it is very likely that they have been together for a long time; Nesbit's poem fits the description of a married couple-together for the sake of marriage. Lord Byron's attachment to his mistress, â€Å"Long, long shall I rue thee. † Is evident through his choice of parting words in the first stance and the way he still seems to love her after all those â€Å"years†. When we two parted' portrays love which is pulled like a puppet on strings by society, when her name is spoken of badly Byron knows that he cannot continue to love her in fear of exposing their relationship. The partnership was a concealed one, â€Å"in secret we met†, kept away from the preying eyes of society for a reason that the poet does not give. Byron alternates between different emotions through the stances of the poem, ranging from his love for her to disregard of her and grieving for their dead relationship. Lord Byron also uses questions in the last two stances to draw attention to the expressions used. The two questions contrast in the poets emotions, the first â€Å"Why wert thou so dear? † questions the emotional expenditure of his lover whilst the second â€Å"How should I greet thee? † betrays the poets ever present sentiments for ‘her', â€Å"With silence and tears. † the very same way they parted years before. The poet questioning himself gives a good insight to his emotions through his answers and their importance by the way they are made to stand out by the use of dashes after them, â€Å"A shudder comes o'er me-â€Å". Villvegature also highlights the importance of some phrases through the use of similes â€Å"solid self long leagues away† draws attention to the fact that he is no longer an object of great admiration or interest in the poet, she also uses the words â€Å"deep in dull books† to emphasise his insipidness and the contrast of reality to her fantasized romantic lover, who is much like a ‘Romeo' who climbs a tree to reach his aficionado, the poet. The poem by lord Byron also shows some disappointment with his partner, perhaps more with her being disloyal to him, but he does also mention that their passion grew somewhat stale,†Colder thy kiss†. The disappointment comes from the fact that she broke all her â€Å"vows† and no longer is loyal to him. The use of romantic imagery is evident in both poems, in Villegature it is more the nature or environment which seems to be affected by romance- â€Å"The pear-tree boughs† are mentioned three times, in the first second and third stances, the poet also talks of â€Å"pearls of song† in the concluding stance, the only aquatic gem being the pearl. Lord Byron's poem uses imagery, which describes more of his lover than the nature or scenery, â€Å"Pale grew thy cheek† yet not much imagery is used in his poem compared to the works of Christina Rossetti or even John Clare. The reason for the contrast between the two poems may be that Edith Nesbit used excessive romanticism in her poem to fool the reader into thinking that she ‘loves' her partner or that the poem is not a fantasy, but an actual activity, although in the first stance she does use the image of â€Å"your ghost†, which is reminiscent of a memory she had of her lover. The last poem is â€Å"A woman to her lover† by Christina Walsh. This is the poem, which demonstrates the expectations of a ‘liberated' woman to her potential lover; it has an aroma of feminism about it and seems like a reasonable set of refusals that a 20th century woman could make. Aside from being very inspirational and emotion provoking, the poem also is an interesting expression of the poet's attitude to love and life, more careful and in a way determined than the earlier poems concerning love. The author this time seems to ‘attack' her male oppressors by generating some very persuasive arguments, such as by putting the â€Å"wingless angel† or the â€Å"doll† in, without argument, a negative light. The poet is very critical of the average potential ‘lover', in the first three stances, setting down a set of iron rules that he must abide to in order to be her â€Å"co-equal† in marriage. Her criticism is evident through her counter-glorification of the stereotypical, yet sadly often common desires of men are to have a â€Å"doll to dress and sit for feeble worship† or to have â€Å"my skin soft only for your fond caresses†. The use of the words â€Å"As conqueror to the vanquished† is also interesting- to me forming an image of the Spanish armada putting the capturing the helpless natives, in time turning them into â€Å"a bondslave† a slave with a ‘bond' to its master so they could not buy themselves out after their period of servitude has passed. The last stance concentrates mostly on what the poet expects of her lover, setting down the fundaments of the conditions in which a relationship with her could potentially bloom. Walsh uses words reminiscent of an alliance rather than the more conventional relationship of two lovers, â€Å"your comrade, friend, mate† â€Å"together† â€Å"co-equal†, giving a very lucrative description of a relationship free of the afore mentioned (wingless angel etc. ) conventional entities, not wanting to be a sex toy to satisfy his clamorous desire, but to know â€Å"the purity and height of passion†, refusing to be a placid doll or a holy wingless angel and using clear and strong words to express this â€Å"fool, I refuse you! † to express her distaste for the men who take enjoyment in this. In the first stance, she expresses a different kind of disagreement than in the second or third since the latter does not require her to do any manual work, she refuses: â€Å"No servant will I be†. Another point worth mentioning of the last stance is the way the marriage is described, the imagery used being so artistic and unusual; â€Å"music of the spheres for bridal march† , â€Å"The stars to laugh with joy† ,words which emphasise how different the marriage ceremony will be if the love is true and pure, if it is based on companionship and passionate love- a contradiction of the poets most despised image of the foolish man.